Now it's Official

When we set off for the weekend in the Hamptons, I still wasn’t sure what I wanted to do about Kris.

He’d been my closest friend for months, and I had such respect for him. I could not imagine life without him. But things had changed three nights earlier, when I’d lost my job.

Now I had to decide. Stay friends, or risk something more? Remain in New York, or go back home?

We met at Penn Station, and the moment I laid eyes on Kris, I felt like a helium balloon. I wasn’t walking on air, I was stuck to the ceiling.

On the train we were crowded into a car with several of our closest friends. There weren’t seats for everyone, so Kris and I stood together, our legs pressed against the dog crate that contained my anxious Border Collie.

The lighting quit several times on during the ride. It's both eerie and exhilarating to be cast suddenly into darkness while speeding through a tunnel. Each time it happened, we all played it cool. We were New Yorkers, unafraid of a little darkness on the train.

I made the most of the situation. Each time the lights blinked out, I reached out and grabbed Kris on the backside. When the lights came back on, I acted as if nothing had happened. Kris joined in the game.

Our little secret didn’t last for long.

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